domingo, febrero 03, 2008

delirium... in english, now

What happen with all my stupids ideas?... i know... there´s something in the air... and it's not a cigarette, it's just your smell in my hair... I did'nt know how do you smell, really i did'nt know... and you know that's true, because we didn't know each other...
I'm using a lot the same verb, and I'm not telling absolutely nothing... so many knows... and nobody, who really knows...
well, I'm coming back to your smell... it was in my hair, in all my hair... and it cover the room, the bed, the floor... like a virus... like the snow, but i'm not talking about your snow... that perfect snow of the movies, i'm talking about the snow that come in the same air, the air-snow... (if I can say that).
Immediately I smelt your smell, I breathed as it was the last breath in my entire life... and i felt you so close, so near... that actually, i thougth that perhaps, you were there, in my room...
so close, so close... that i'm breathing you... and you are breathing me...

do you smell that smell?

(whispering... shhh)

it's pretty weird, but have you ever seen that the difference between air and hair it's that little chair at the beginning of the second word? and besides that... we release air in the second one, because of the chair... that it's the same hair with a C before it...
the word's world... that's much different of the world's word. (just one L)

//A love that will never grow old//

5 tejieron:

Anónimo dijo...

yes I do and I really like it. It's somewhat citric, It's your scent.

Gabriela dijo...

una lectora menos aquí!

bueno: 3cuartos de lectora menos


Corina Margarita dijo...

Gabriela: ud. es una lectora 100%... y secreto... la verdad verdad... a mí el inglés me gusta muy poco ;)


Mr Montoto dijo...

Cori: Una sola letra, dicen los cabalistas, basta para cambiarlo todo.

Incluso en inglés.

Está volviendo?

Corina Margarita dijo...

I'm comming!

y una sola letra para los cabalistas también dice muuucho